How Health and Lifestyle Choices Can Change Your Genetic Make-Up

Last Updated 12/16/2021

I find our body so fascinating. Everything from Genes, DNA, and the power of our mind!

Something that has really been stirring in me is this concept of Lifestyle VS. Genetic Make-up. It's actually an encouraging topic that should bring HOPE to many people. Many of us get stuck in the thought pattern that " these are the genes I was given" and have the mindset that there isn't much we can do. The reality is YES our genetic make-up is what it is......BUT our Lifestyle choices absolutely play a huge role in the quality of our life!

But what's found to be equally true is that the positive lifestyle choices we make -- most notably, eating right and exercising -- may have just as powerful an effect on our genetic makeup. Two recent studies illustrate this point. One found that eating well can "turn off" the genes that put one at higher risk for heart problems; the other showed that exercise can persuade stem cells to become bone and blood cells rather than fat cells. Each helps us see just how lifestyle variables work at the genetic level to modify our risk.

The most important choice we can make is a Healthy Lifestyle. It's never too late to start making new choices.

We do NOT want to wait until the Doctor is telling us bad news.....we want to be PRO active- and understand we have more power then we think.

Does it feel overwhelming? Do you not know where to start?

Send me a message and I would love to chat with you so we can get you moving in the right direction. YOU are worth it and your family deserves to have you strong and healthy for many years to come!!

This is a great Article to read more on Lifestyle VS. Genetic Make-up

XO Jessica

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